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ACE Lab, 2018 Korea Automotive Engineering Institute (KSAE) Spring Conference Research Presentation

 On from June 7th, to 9th the KSAE 2018 Annual Spring Conference was hosted in Busan (BEXCO). This conference is an annual event hosted by KSAE (Korea Automotive EngineeringInstitute) representing Korea's automobile engineering. It is a gathering place for many renowned people in related fields as well as notable people in the automobile field in Korea. This academic conference and exhibition is the largest academic event in Korea with a total of 602 papers published in the field of automotive engineering covering all fields including industry, academia, and research, with special lectures and workshops, and special exhibitions on automobile technology.    For this event, ACE Lab’s researcher Min Kyung Han, Kyu Hwan Yeon, and Kyung Byeong Kim participated. Researcher Min Kyung Han presented on the topic of "Driver characteristics based prediction model for vehicle deceleration inbraking conditions.” Researchers at the ACE Lab participating in the event are announcing extraordinary paper every year, which is a significant opportunity to demonstrate the excellent technology of Hanyang University Automotive Electronics Control Laboratory.

조회수 28회댓글 0개

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